Thursday, December 13, 2007


Today's blog is titled Julie....well Jewls but you get it.

I am choosing not to put her picture online because I value her friendship
****(not because she is unpleasant to look at)****
I like Julie very much and she has given me two beautiful children...(she however is raising them..not me)Her husbands not half bad looking either (i only say that to make her uncomfortable). She too complains about my lack of blogging... not quite as aggressive as Becca and Carol... but she checks faithfully. I feel as if I let her down. Sad day! I try to do right by her.I can tell you that she is on my "top ten people I have ever met list" and let me tell you she is NOT number 10. She is a real Hoot!

I miss her... but I am hopeful that we will have some quality time together soon. Over break perhaps. I'll be right on that!

10.) Her Husbands glasses
9.) Her love for cottage cheese
8.) The greatest things in her life happened when she was 12
7.) She is able to make fun of me in such a tasteful way (most times)
6.) She is one of my biggest fans and I hers
5.) She is Super MOM
4.) Heck she is SUPER WOMEN
3.) She loves the pottery barn more than I do
2.) Her hair
1.) She cuddles

No worries Julie.. nobody knows your last name... so there is no need to be embarrassed...

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